4 Church Finance Mistakes & How to Overcome Them

No matter what organization you are in, finances are paramount to your success. Church finances aren’t any different. Poorly managed church finances can hurt a pastor’s ability to lead church members and reach the local community. If your answers left you feeling less than confident, we’d love to start a conversation.

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1. How are your employees paid?

Did you know you can’t simply write a check to your employees at the end of the week or pay period? The government doesn’t see an employee’s time worked as equal with purchasing office supplies or paying electricity bills. Hours worked by employees fall under payroll expenses and there’s a host of rules around it. Are you versed in current labor laws and paying your staff correctly?

2. Do you prefer Ecclesiastes over accounting?

You’ve probably spent your career building your understanding of scriptures and connecting the principles to reach your congregation. Maybe you took a few accounting classes along the way, but are you passionate enough about it to stay on top of changing regulations and rules? There must be a process in place for reporting and budgeting.

3. Does your congregation know where their money goes?

Don’t just do a year end financial review. Instead, find ways to engage with your congregation to share where the contributions go throughout the year. Showcasing your church’s impact on the community is a great way to build trust and show transparency to your church members. It also helps take the Message to others in your community. Do you have a plan to engage them more?

4. You know the plan, but have you shared it?

There is expansion on the horizon, and you want to amp up for it. You see a void in the community, and you want your church to help. It’s great to have vision, but have you shared it with your congregation? You and your church can do great things – but you have to let them in – even if that means getting into the details of church budgets and spending. They will engage more when they feel part of the solution.